How do you find the perfect balance between home life, personal life and work life so that you can have a great you and add to the lives of others? What do you plan in your day when it is time to come out of those scrubs and scrub hats? If you have a jumble of stuff that requires running here and there and you feel as if you have accomplished nothing then it is time for a redo. Sometimes if we find out that we are off the mark in one section of our lives it is because there is energy going in just one direction – out go… out go… out go but no put in. Simply said, by the time we get time, there in no time. So how do you handle all of the demands: still getting it done at work, have personal times to refresh and a comfortable home life. Balance!
Ok so what does that look like? Well for me it was 3 critical points: learning to actively put in priorities, remembering that only in the mind does an activity happen quickly (it always takes longer that you think it going to take…so keep that in mind when scheduling) be determined in having a place on the schedule for relaxation and using the word NO.
One basic great idea is have a working schedule that fits your life style and never over scheduling anything. Over scheduling will bring stress, your body recognizes it and behaves accordingly. Then look at the activities that you have on your daily agenda and deleting those that are not necessary. This will go a long way to produce CALM. Oh and don’t add more on that to-do list after you have decluttered. Simple is best!
Last, and so important, have planned relaxation and downtime. No matter what that looks like to you do it: quality times with family/friends, books/TV/ a movie an exercise workout, what ever is soothing and joyful. Just like you would schedule any other important pursuit put it on your healthy balance plan and stick to it. Keep in mind if you don’t take care of you then you will not be able to take care of others. Be Good to you!
- Liz