MedCapStore Blog

Keeping JOY

                       Keeping JOY? It's no exaggeration that millions of people authentically believe that they cannot keep joy in their lives. Most will argue that there is just too much stress, disappointment or unhappy in the world to maintain an ongoing level of joy. While they are accurate in that general concept, the reality is that we all know that round the clock joy is an unrealistic expectation. However, you can improve upon your current level of joy (or joylessness) by taking some very simple steps. Not only will this enable you...

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Forward: The Myth of a Plateau

    Perhaps you mark it down to seasonal slumps or even a mental funk, but there are definitive moments when most of us thoroughly feel "stuck". Call it a rut, a case of the proverbial "blahs" or a plateau, but don't for a moment believe it is permanent. You can become unstuck, and you can use the following steps to your advantage whether you hit a plateau in diet, exercise, career or anything else. Do It Differently - You and a partner go on a date to an unusual spot (a pottery class or a food crawl in a...

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TIME to Make Time for A Healthier You or Exercise Tips For People Who Don’t Have Time To Exercise

        Some people say they don’t exercise because they don’t have the time. Others don’t exercise because they don’t have the information. But you say, some times after a hard day at work who has the desire. Let’s be honest, in the medical field, with crazy work schedules, demanding to-do lists, and limited free time WHO HAS TIME TO EXERCISE or the energy for that manner. “ Exercising a low priority! Right.   Well, (SMILES) exercise is proven to improve your overall health, reduce stress, make you happier, improves your focus and concentration, and keeps you in...

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Letting Go of Stress

      A very wise ice princess once said, “Let it go, let it go!” There are some things that we hold on to that steal our joy, that make us feel stressed and overwhelmed and not on our best game. And most of the time, worrying about these things does absolutely nothing to solve the problem.   Working in a field where others constantly need you, they are dependent on you for their health, their well being, sometimes their lives, can be a lot of pressure for one person. Good news though, there are ways you can, as...

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How To Have The Perfect Staycation

  Okay let just see what the definition say........ Stay·ca·tion   stāˈkāSHn/ noun     informal a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad, or one spent at home and involving day trips to local attractions.   Well, Staycations are the perfect way to escape the routine of every day life, without spending a lot of money or traveling too far. People all over the country are deciding to explore their own city or state instead of traveling abroad, and the benefits are endless. Not only do you save so much money by spending your down time in a near by...

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